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The projects are co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.


Interplastic Roger Żółtowski does 3 projects co-financed by the European Union under Priority Axis 1 of the Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Province for the years 2007-2013, Measure 1.1.2 Small and medium-sized enterprises:

1) Project title:
“Modernity – the key to success”

Expansion and improvement of work in Interplastic Roger Żółtowski in Tuchom. 
Agreement on project financing No. UDA-RPPM. / 08-00 signed on 4th August 2009.The dates for the project: 08-12-2008 – 15-06-2014

2)      Project title:
‘Development of export’

In Interplastic Roger Żółtowski in Tuchom through active participation in international trade fairs. 

Agreement on project financing No. UDA-RPPM. / 08-00 signed on 4th August 2009.The dates of the project: 01-07-2009 – 27-02-2015

3) Project title:
‘Investment opportunities for development in times of crisis`

Expansion and improvement of work in Interplastic Roger Żółtowski in Tuchom. Agreement on project financing No. UDA-RPPM. / 09-00 signed on 16th May 2011The dates of the project: 01.03.2011 – 31.12.2014
